We launched a publishing company in 2021 and now are able to offer our clients full-service book publishing. #BookPublishing

Our business consulting services are available to all start-ups and developed businesses. Sometimes, all we need is a sounding board or a person to give us some direction - we are here for you! Review our hours of availability, based off of your retainer level. #BusinessConsulting

Feel overwhelmed by the running of your business, the day in and day out? We can help! We will step in to help you run the admin of your business, so you can focus on what you do best! #BusinessManagement

Already have written content but it isn't ready to be published? Have our editors take a look and suggest changes that will make your copy and content, easily understood. #Copywriting

We will create your blast from start to finish as well as maintain and grow your email list. #EblastCreation

We can help you get started to set up multiple streams of income #PassiveIncomePortfolio

We have a printer with over 30 years of experience. Printing fees are not included in any of our retainers, however our business discount is passed on to each of our clients #Printers

With over 100 vendors of both American and worldwide products, let us help you find the best price for what you want. #ProductSourcing

We offer a proven strategy for creating systems within your business to allow you more freedom and time to do other things. Our strategy will create systems that allow for easy scaling and automations. #ScalingAndSystems

Allow our professionals to create content and manage your social media channels. We will map out a strategy that showcases your businesses strengths as well as helps you gain traction with followers and interactions. We will map out KPI's and goals for each month, as well as give you the tools to reach those goals. #SocialMediaIsWhatWeDo

Initial design, Ecommerce stores, inventory, forms and integrations all are within our wheelhouse. Regular maintenance is available as well. Domain purchases and hosting is not included in any retainers. #WebDesign

You have an accountant to do your taxes, but have no idea what accounts payable, receivable or costing documents look like. Let us set them up for you, train you on how to use them and move you to a digital filing system. #AccountingSetup

Leave the paperwork to us! We will take care of the licensing and filings. State/County/Federal fees are not included in any retainers. #Filings

We create content for all platforms, both social media and traditional forms of marketing #Content

Every month we offer a continuing education course. As a client of ours, you received one seat in each of our continuing education seminars. These seminars include topics such as learning Excel, developing social media strategies, HR topics and more. #Courses

We have an arsenal of design abilities including (but not limited to) logos, business cards, brochures, booklets, decals, product packaging, large format and any printed materials #GraphicDesign

Podcast income, production, setup and sound engineering - we can help you with it all! #AllThingsPodcast

Have an idea for a physical product but don't know how to get it from concept to market? Let our professionals who have worked with buyers from major cooperations like Walmart and Target, guide you through the process. #ProductDevelopment

We can help you not only generate press but to handle reviews (even the bad ones) in a way that gets you more business based off of poor press. #PublicRelations

Worried about being found online? Don't be! We will make sure you are coming up at the top of the search results, using key words. #SEO

Our team of Virtual Assistants are able to handle your data entry, file creation, maintenance, appointments, schedules and cold calls/emails. #VirtualAssistants

At The Queen Maker and The King Maker we work off of retainers. Each month you can choose how to spend your retainer, based on our professional services listed. To book an appointment to discuss working with us, click here!